Electronic Sweeps & Debugging Services

Do you want to be sure that your family is not exposed to illegal or malicious eavesdropping? We can help.

Utilizing the most advanced equipment available today, our TSCM team can pinpoint sophisticated electronic surveillance devices, including audio and video transmitters. Our equipment is designed to detect all major types of audio and video monitoring equipment. This includes illegal eavesdropping transmitters that may be in a “non-operating” mode, or even inexpensive baby monitors or wireless microphones that can be easily and inexpensively obtained.

Our TSCM Sweep Team will conduct a thorough physical and electronic search of your home and property.


All TSCM surveys include a security assessment to identify potential problems and actual breaches in every aspect of physical and information security. We work closely with clients to respond to their unique situations.
Protect your family. Contact us today to schedule your security evaluation

As always, at the end of our investigation you will receive an Investigative Report with the details of our findings.

To get started with us today call 1-347-990-6879

Copyright Equalizer Investigations - 2013 and Beyond
Todos los derechos reservados. Sitio adaptado por Jamy piequalizer@aol.com

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