Our company offers investigative support for the legal profession. If you are an attorney and require an investigation in connection with a civil lawsuit, criminal case or trial preparation, Equalizer PI Inc. can assist you.
Equalizer PI Inc. provides criminal defense services to many criminal defense attorneys in New York, Florida and International services.
Often, legal investigations require locating a party to a lawsuit or a witness or serving that individual with a subpoena or other document.
In other instances, we can be helpful by running a Background on parties to a lawsuit. The purpose here is to reveal facts that may be pertinent to the lawsuit, such as the existence of hidden assets, previous lawsuits, marital problems, criminal conduct, and the like.
Sometimes, the aim is to explore avenues of legal attack and possibilities for settlement. In a recent case, for example, an insurance defense attorney hired Equalizer PI Inc. to investigate a plaintiff who (our client believed) was propagating a frivolous lawsuit. Our investigation revealed the plaintiff’s use of several aliases to fraudulently receive government benefits. This revelation permitted our client to settle the case on favorable terms.

In addition, we can take extra steps to ensure that the investigation is thorough, such as finding witnesses and debriefing them, locating hidden and/or unidentified witnesses, checking the background of parties to the case, and obtaining signed statements.
Finally, legal investigations sometimes involve Surveillance of witnesses or parties involved in a lawsuit. The information uncovered through this kind of detective work can expose the existence of fraud or reveal patterns of activity that may be useful to our attorney client.
As always, at the end of our investigation you will receive an Investigative Report with the details of our findings.
To get started with us today call 1-347-990-6879