Bugged by the competition? Chances are this could be happening right under your nose and you wouldn’t even know it. Worse, industrial espionage just doesn’t happen in an industrial setting. Whether you are manufacturing computer chips or potato chips, if the competition wants to know what you are up to bad enough, they just might resort to criminal activity of a rather pesky nature.
Illegal phone taps, hidden cameras, email and internet infiltration, radio listening devices, and even company insiders could be revealing what goes on within your cubicles, your boardroom, and your own office.
A technical surveillance countermeasures service could be initiated to sweep out the bugs, cut off the unwanted lines of communication, and rat out the company rats who are giving away your proprietary trade data.

As always, at the end of our investigation you will receive an Investigative Report with the details of our findings.
To get started with us today call 1-347-990-6879