Skip Tracing is the process of tracking someone who owes you money. In order to successfully collect on a delinquent account, you have to locate the debtor. A debtor may relocate and/or have his telephone disconnected, believing they are leaving creditors with no immediate means of contact. However, skip tracing allows creditors to locate debtors through various outlets available to them.
A skip trace can be done for current address and phone, fictitious business names, social security death index, bankruptcies, judgments, liens, national property and deed transfers.
When should you skip trace?
– When mail is returned.
– When the phone is disconnected
– When consumers stray and leave debts behind, follow in their tracks!

Some information needed for a professional Skip Trace:
– Full name (first, middle, last)
– Social Security Number
– Date of Birth
– Former address
– Employment information
– Vehicle and drivers license information
– Spouse information
– Any & all the information you have on file!
As always, at the end of our investigation you will receive an Investigative Report with the details of our findings.
To get started with us today call 1-347-990-6879